LTT Pilgrimage Tours

According to Bhutanese tradition, the history of Buddhism in Bhutan began in the seventh century AD when the Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo constructed the first two Buddhist temples: Kyichu in the Paro valley and Jampa Lhakhang  in the Choekhor valley in Bumthang. In the eight century, a tantrist from Swat (in present day Pakistan) arrived in Bhutan. His name was Padmasambhava but he is generally known in Tibet and Bhutan as Guru Rinpoche, the ‘Precious Master’. Here in Bhutan, as in Tibet he introduced Tantric Buddhism. He is considered by the Mahayana tradition followers to be their founder and the second Buddha. All the places he visited and in which he meditated are places of Pilgrimage for the Bhutanese, who also worship his Eight Manifestations in almost all the temples in the country. After the 7th century, many Buddhist scholars and masters had visited and blessed Bhutan making Bhutan the most important sacred hidden land. In 16th century, Zhabdrung Rinpoche, the founder of Bhutan as a unified country, has visited and established Drukpa Kagyud tradition and thereafter it has been adopted as state religion of the country. Zhabdrung Rinpoche has also established dual system of government known as Choe-Sid system of Government for the entire people of Bhutan.

Generally, pilgrimage to such sacred places will purify our negative obstacles, protect from bad luck, clear your karmic bad deeds, accumulate fortunate merits and above all it will add your chances of reborn in another human body after dead so that you will be able to continue practicing Dharma ones again for the benefit of entire sentient being.

Below are the list of the most sacred Pilgrimage sites in Bhutan.

  1. Paro Taktshang Gompa (Tiger Nest)
  2. Paro Chumphu Ney
  3. Paro Bumdra Ney
  4. Paro Drak Karpo
  5. Neychen Dongkala
  6. Paro Kyichu Lhakhang
  7. Tango and Cheri Monastery
  8. Punakha Dewa Chenpoi Phodrang
  9. Chimi Lhakhang
  10. Trongsa Choetse Dzong
  11. Bumthang Kurje Lhakhang
  12. Bumthang Jampa Lhakhang
  13. Tharpaling Monastery
  14. Buli Gonpa
  15. Tamshing Lhakhang
  16. Tang Ugyen Choling
  17. Tang Mebar Tsho
  18. Thowa Drak
  19. Aja Ney
  20. Kurtoe Singye Dzong
  21. Kurtoe Khenpa Jong
  22. Kurtoe Takila Guru Statue.

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Chang Bardo Lhuendrup Lam

Thimphu Throm

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